
“On the Web” Feature

March 21, 2007

I’m not sure if you, my reader, have noticed, but a few weeks ago I introduced a section called “on the web” to the right side-bar. This is a running list of articles, reviews, or posts that I’ve read and think are especially excellent.

From a technically standpoint this is very simple: WordPress supports del.icio.us integration, so all I had to do was create a tag called “myrtias” in my del.icio.us and start tagging.

My hope is that this can be another way for me to point people towards internet goodness when I don’t have time to post. I spend hours daily reading on the web (when I should be working) so quite a few pages pass before my eyes each day.

If you’d like, you can see a list of pages I’ve tagged at del.icio.us/tedhowell/myrtias — or you can subscribe to a feed.

Thanks for reading!


  1. The links are appreciated. I noticed a while ago and added you to my “del.icio.us network”.

    I do the same thing myself with Google Reader. I guess I should point it out to people.

  2. Oh, this is nifty. Thanks for pointing it out. (Ian, I noticed yours recently.)

  3. Wow, great idea. I’d do it if I didn’t already have a bazillion links on my sidebars!

  4. Oh, that’s spiffy!

  5. […] by a post at Myrtias here is an explanation, tour and review of the Upper Fort Stewart sidebar as it stands today. I say […]

  6. […] you have not yet noticed I stole Ted’s idea and set up a sidebar widget, “Nota Bene”, that lists any notable sites or articles I […]

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